How could catering concept change after Covid-19?
From May 18, Italy has entered a new phase; the one that allows the reopening of commercial activities and travel, for now, only within the same region. Here in Hong Kong, however, for a few weeks, the measures to prevent further infections have become less severe and many of us have taken advantage of it to go out to have dinner in compliance with the restrictions, still in force, of a maximum of eight people per table. Italian producers are therefore ready to return to international markets.
This situation leads us to make some considerations on how the concept of catering can evolve in the close future in Asia. What will be the new scenario in which Italian tableware companies will find themselves operating so far from home? Will they be able to take advantage of the inevitable changes in Asian customs?
In recent months, in Asia and in many parts of the world, we have been forced to give up the pleasure of a dinner in a restaurant and we have rediscovered the joy of cooking by brushing up on the idea that staying at home is beautiful and can be, why not, also elegant and glamorous.
But how to transform the home spirit with the typical charm of made in Italy? How can these principles be combined to create a winning idea?
The answer we have given is one: to bring the concept of starred, elegant and glamorous catering to the homes of those who have rediscovered the comfort - and, why not, also the exclusivity - of the home dimension.
An idea of ​​"home horeca" will become increasingly popular, in which the experience of a starred chef, combined with niche Italian products and a mise en place worthy of a luxury restaurant, will join the concept of catering that we know today. So the restaurant will come to us!
In this way, our homes will become real sets for private dinners for a very small circle of friends or for a romantic tête-à -tête with candlelight.
Next week we will ask Antimo Maria Merone, executive starred chef of Otto e 1/2 Bombana in Macau, what he thinks about it. Follow us and Stay tuned!!!