A little BIT of green… part 1
“Modern society will not find any solution to the ecological problem if it does not seriously examine its lifestyle”

The new year has begun and we left 2023 behind us. In Europe it is officially winter and, before leaving our home, we open the wardrobe and choose the warmest clothes. So room for coats, sweaters, hats and gloves. South East Asia is far away, like the memory of mild winters and temperatures above 20 degrees.
We note that the cold will be with us for some time yet (as it should be!) and we prepare to go to Valmadrera, a small town on the Lecco branch of the lake, just 20 minutes from Manzoni's house, the one from which the writer took inspiration for the incipit of his most famous novel (1). It's a strange gloomy day and the fog, which we thought had been extinct for years, has once again become the protagonist in this blurry morning, only to disappear later like a curtain that opens giving way to a timid sun, as soon as we reach the lake. Magic!
We note that the cold will be with us for some time yet (as it should be!) and we prepare to go to Valmadrera, a small town on the Lecco branch of the lake, just 20 minutes from Manzoni's house, the one from which the writer took inspiration for the incipit of his most famous novel (1). It's a strange gloomy day and the fog, which we thought had been extinct for years, has once again become the protagonist in this blurry morning, only to disappear later like a curtain that opens giving way to a timid sun, as soon as we reach the lake. Magic!

Marco Sala and his team welcome us warmly, telling us about the latest news in the catalogue which, among other things, offers a collection of napkins in hemp viscose and cellulose, super silky and soft, plus the brand new "the luxe" with more vivid colours thanks to the use of a new printing machine.
BIT is a company in continuous renewal of ideas; nothing remains as it was conceived at the beginning and each product is interpreted differently to improve it, make it more resistant and durable without forgetting the value of sustainability and quality.
BIT is a company in continuous renewal of ideas; nothing remains as it was conceived at the beginning and each product is interpreted differently to improve it, make it more resistant and durable without forgetting the value of sustainability and quality.
This is precisely the key word at the centre of our chat: sustainability and the path to follow to try to make companies and individuals more aware of the choices they make to avoid leaving a dying planet as inheritance to our children.
It is a very close topic to our hearts since we realized that in Asia there are widespread behaviours that are not very virtuous and not responsible governments when it comes to recycling, environmental responsibility and waste.
It is a very close topic to our hearts since we realized that in Asia there are widespread behaviours that are not very virtuous and not responsible governments when it comes to recycling, environmental responsibility and waste.

A: So tell me a little about BIT: how did the idea of creating this concept come about?
M: It all started 7 years ago with a very specific idea which was to invent single use solutions, mainly because there is a difference between a product and a solution. We wanted to create a solution to a problem through three fundamental rules: being innovative, made in Italy and sustainable.
We focused on made in Italy in a very broad sense, that is, made in Italy thought attention to detail, attention to raw materials, but also to craftsmanship and design: all things that make up made in Italy. Then, we wanted all the products to be sustainable. It was a very long journey that made us understand a lot about sustainability.
Because there is simple and widespread sustainability. We wanted to push more and more on widespread sustainability. What do I mean? That the basis of being sustainable is creating a product that actually regenerates, which enters a circular economy.
We focused on made in Italy in a very broad sense, that is, made in Italy thought attention to detail, attention to raw materials, but also to craftsmanship and design: all things that make up made in Italy. Then, we wanted all the products to be sustainable. It was a very long journey that made us understand a lot about sustainability.
Because there is simple and widespread sustainability. We wanted to push more and more on widespread sustainability. What do I mean? That the basis of being sustainable is creating a product that actually regenerates, which enters a circular economy.

A: Is this sustainability concept, enough at the moment?
M: It was sufficient 7 years ago, when we started, today it is no longer sufficient.
What being sustainable means today is to create a sustainable product through processes that are sustainable through the use of raw materials that are sustainable, through a supply chain that is sustainable, creating a widespread sustainability.
What being sustainable means today is to create a sustainable product through processes that are sustainable through the use of raw materials that are sustainable, through a supply chain that is sustainable, creating a widespread sustainability.
At Bit, we have embraced this path. For example, we chose bamboo as a raw material because it was the most sustainable raw material, a plant that grows with very little need for water, a weed.
Plus, it's a plant, not a tree, which is an important difference. The tree is cut down and it dies while the plant is cut down and it grows back, it has a long average lifespan and accelerated growth and a mechanical and non-chemical production process: all characteristics that placed it at the advantage of other raw materials, like cotton which needs a lot of water and requires antiquated production methods.
Plus, it's a plant, not a tree, which is an important difference. The tree is cut down and it dies while the plant is cut down and it grows back, it has a long average lifespan and accelerated growth and a mechanical and non-chemical production process: all characteristics that placed it at the advantage of other raw materials, like cotton which needs a lot of water and requires antiquated production methods.

But it's not enough. How do you go from a raw material to a finished product? To bring the textile to the reel we used suppliers who, in addition to saving a lot of water, they put it back into circulation in the production process, purifying it and reusing it.
We rely on suppliers who only use sustainable energy, for example in Austria, where we started working, the entire factory is powered by hydroelectric energy.
Then, once the product has been created, we decide the packaging, no longer using plastic but corn starch, which is compostable as well. Then it is packed in recycled cardboard, and we use paper tape without chemical processes. All this leads you to have a sustainable totality.
One of the reasons why we also chose hemp is because it is easily available in Europe. This means not having to move containers of raw materials... which shows whether you are a green company or not.
We rely on suppliers who only use sustainable energy, for example in Austria, where we started working, the entire factory is powered by hydroelectric energy.
Then, once the product has been created, we decide the packaging, no longer using plastic but corn starch, which is compostable as well. Then it is packed in recycled cardboard, and we use paper tape without chemical processes. All this leads you to have a sustainable totality.
One of the reasons why we also chose hemp is because it is easily available in Europe. This means not having to move containers of raw materials... which shows whether you are a green company or not.

A: What changes compared to the concept of sustainability we once knew?
M: What we knew 8 years ago was that a product had to be compostable. Today we know that we must have hundreds more skills.
BIT tends not to stop but improve a product: it does not mean that something should always be done in the same way in the future.
The people who work for this company are like this too, and so are the collaborators we have next to us. And then the concept of rebirth... this journey was fantastic.
M: What we knew 8 years ago was that a product had to be compostable. Today we know that we must have hundreds more skills.
BIT tends not to stop but improve a product: it does not mean that something should always be done in the same way in the future.
The people who work for this company are like this too, and so are the collaborators we have next to us. And then the concept of rebirth... this journey was fantastic.
click on the image to watch the reel we made!
A: Yes, let's talk about rebirth!
M: Where do we have to go? We set ourselves a new goal and look for another way to climb. The target of customers we chose was also fundamental, as they are companies that often make choices that are very far from sustainability for a series of reasons. Luxury forgets sustainability by virtue of other concepts that are preponderant for them.
For us it was also a learning path like: I can give you a sustainable product so that you have the opportunity to tell your customers that you are not just "good" but also sustainable thanks to your choices. And I assure you that this proposal well-received by our customers. We work with luxury brands like Gucci, Armani and many Italian excellences who have embraced this idea.
For us it was also a learning path like: I can give you a sustainable product so that you have the opportunity to tell your customers that you are not just "good" but also sustainable thanks to your choices. And I assure you that this proposal well-received by our customers. We work with luxury brands like Gucci, Armani and many Italian excellences who have embraced this idea.
A: But in your opinion, how well do these luxury brands communicate the sustainable choices they make? Because many companies talk about sustainability, but it is often greenwashing...
M: It was a bit of a complicated journey. Those who chose us, at the beginning, was because of a marketing choice maybe. We try to increase awareness which, in my opinion, comes later also because all our clients never go back. So I would say that they acquire the awareness, and they cannot take a step back to find a replacement, perhaps cheaper, perhaps faster. However, this then leads them to position themselves correctly. There is another thing that works very well: these large luxury brands do not only communicate externally, but also internally; for example, many company canteens use our products, so in some way they are also telling their employees that the company choice is to follow a direction towards sustainability.
Again, many of our Premium customers use the BIO bamboo brand on their products, which means this type of communication is useful.
It is a small step, but in this way, we try to push the client to communicate to others and when you communicate, you slowly ACQUIRE awareness.
It is a small step, but in this way, we try to push the client to communicate to others and when you communicate, you slowly ACQUIRE awareness.

We stop here our first part of this long and interesting interview. We would like you all to concentrate about your lifestyle, your habits and what you usually use to do to recycle and keep this planet clean.
See you next week with the second part of the interview!
Check BIT catalogue HERE
(1) "That branch of Lake Como, which turns at noon, between two unbroken chains of mountains, all breasts and gulfs, depending on the protrusion and re-entry of those, comes, almost suddenly to shrink, and to take course and figure of river, between a promontory to the right, and a wide coastline on the other side; and the bridge, which connects the two shores, seems to make this transformation even more sensitive to the eye, and marks the point where the lake ceases, and the Adda begins again, to then take back the name of lake where the shores, moving away again, let the water relax and slowdown in new gulfs and new breasts." (The Betrothed)